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Our Solutions

A Summary of ACG Wealth Management Services

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Effective wealth management is a combination of goal-driven planning and the right products.  To serve our Clients, ACG combines complementary financial planning and a wide array of public and private investment funds from the world's largest managers.  

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Discuss reports
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Custom Reporting

In addition to your custodial reporting, ACG creates custom quarterly reports for our Clients that clearly show the progress and breakdown of your account balances - no matter how many accounts you have. 


ACG bills its clients a fee for assets under advisement.  Our fees may be viewed at the following link:

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*Our only compensation is from an annual fee assessed in the form of basis points (one basis point is one hundredth of one percent or 0.01%) calculated and payable in four (4) quarterly installments. Our fees are additive. For example, fees for a $1.5 million account are assessed in the following manner ($500,000 x 1.00%) + ($500,00 x 0.75%) + ($500,000 x 0.50%).  In addition to our investment management fees (above) there may be administrative costs paid to third parties which you will pay directly or indirectly and may include custodian fees, account maintenance fees, and expenses related. 

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